Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: er the Testicular failure must have occurred a ng onset of formation of Mullerian-inhibit osterone substance and before the initiation of tes pment, but synthesis; that is, after Sertoli cell develo n others, before the onset of Leydig cell function. ation, and testicular failure must occur later in gest ns in these individuals may constitute probler ete gender assignment. Some have incomp. hal Mullerian regression, but none has non reme is the Mullerian development. At the final ext phenotypicsyndrome of bilateral anorchia in which ures and men have an absence of Mullerian struc male gonads but a male Wolffian system and enesis is external genitalia (Fig. 11.25). The pathos n the not understood. Management depends phenotype.